
2 months ago

BY FAR, THE BESTTTTTTT of the BEST! I found this canadian cosmetics brand when I was on pinterest researching CRUELTY FREE makeup & cosmetic brands. I do a bit of blogging as a hobby. To be very honest as that's the point of a review, I was shocked to see how many huge, popular nail polish brands, that I was using at that very time.. came up as being listed on the other side of the chart. Now I'm not vegan, I will be happy to go for steak dinner
However, its 2020 and there are all kinds of other ways, other products. Its work, its expensive. But, that right there should tell a shopper, this brand must care about the end result, their brand, our health, us over all. To really go that extra step, In staying on cruelty free side of beauty. To not be so focused on a flashy website, and stays completely focused on the staple products, listing clear ingredient list per product. And latestly, after all of the above.. I expected and was fine with paying more, as I care about my skin. I care to give my support to brands that so often get over looked based on very unnecessary factors. But to my surprise, they came in as under budget! Two absolutely stunning red lipsticks, that have SPF in them so my lips are good all winter and summer. And two extremely trendy nail polish colours right now, that I always have an issue finding. Not anymore! C3 knows skin, and knows style. I'm a customer for life! I

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