This MIGHT well be a trustworthy company but it breaches the fundamentals of information security.
Inform Direct appears to have a portfolio of services which would make company secretarial work easier BUT the signup process requires you to enter your company house authentication code even if you don't intend to have Inform Direct file with Companies House on your behalf.
After getting stuck at step two of 'setup' The web chat person eventually confirmed that there is no way to proceed without giving them free and unrestricted access to your company house account – precisely the thing that PROOF is designed to prevent.
Like almost every organisation that has ever been hacked they claim they have "very robust and strict security measures" (a quote from the web chat person) unfortunately the experience of businesses that have been hacked suggests that they are robust right up to the point that the hack takes place.
One of the biggest risks in information security is providing information/access beyond the minimum required. Inform Direct appear to demand far more access than is necessary to use their services unless you wish them to file at companies house on your behalf. The code will be needed if that is the case, but at that stage you might have built trust in their capabilities.
The authentication code for companies house is like a credit card (but without the protection the card companies provide) only a fool would allow a company/individual you have just met to store credit card details including the cvv code. Yes, you might eventually build trust and provide that information (to speed up checkout in the future) but to require the information as a requirement to evaluate the service beggars belief.
Don't waste your time signing up unless you are prepared to potentially give a stranger the ability to change your registered address and appoint /
remove directors without your knowledge/consent.
I provided my passport, residential address and used the camera on laptop to take a selfie. Should have passed, no idea why it did not and no way to get back my money. The check is "non-refundable".
They should at least provide it as credit for their system.