8 years ago
Attention WOT users:
The domain of "imbringingbloggingback.com" is most certainly NOT a malicious site, and therefore does not, and has not, generated nor implemented any threat(s).
Files hosted and stored within the domain directory (as well as all sub-directories) are consistently resolved among a user-friendly and non-harming webpage interface.
As of today, 05.23.12 (approximately 15:00 {EST}), two (2) reputable URL scanning and analysis cloud/web utilities both reiterate all of the aforementioned comments that are displayed upon this WOT site report page.
The following links may be accessed to confirm:
8 years ago
What the hell? I visit this site every day and now all of a sudden someone got pissy and gave it a bad rating to have my WOT give me a warning???? I have every damn anti virus, cookie blocking, tracer blocking gadgetey thingy thing loaded on this computer. Not a damn thing wrong on this site!