11 years ago

I Love Organic Girl's web site is extremely informative, especially if someone's newly getting acquainted with Organic living. It's simply explained, so much so, that even a 7-8 year old could grasp everything that they're saying.


11 years ago

I Love Organic Girl gave me the best customer experience I've ever had. I bought one of their Organic Ceasar Salad Kits, on sale, at a local grocery store chain. When I got home, I opened it for lunch, only to find the lettuce smelly and wilted. I suspect that the store misread the date on the package. See, I Love Organic Girl's produce packages don't have a "best if sold by" date – they have a "consume by" date. Anyhow, I emailed the company; and in response, I received an email in reply; but I also was sent THREE "Get Free Green" coupons; and 4 $1 off coupons. I have to tell you, also, if you haven't experienced their produce, it's worth a checking out. Absolutely the best salads, etc, that I've ever had.

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