
8 months ago

I stumbled across this website as I had been researching purchasing a new guitar and my cookies threw it up at me on facebook! Initially I thought it a scam but gave it a chance and it has literally changed my life!!
I have won 2 dream guitars and a home recording studio but I have been particularly lucky!
The guys running the show (Sam & Andy – and recently been joined by Ben) obviously love what they do and they have built a community of guitar fans where all are respectful, sharing and engaged.
If you love guitars and can afford a few pounds to throw at one of the many winning opportunities that are available on a weekly basis – you should check these guys out.
They even have regular opportunities to win great stuff without even making any purchases.
The weekly draws are carried out live and have evolved from a quick chat with a few people attending to hundreds watching, guitar demos, plenty of real-time banter, freebies being distributed left right and centre and of course the jaw-droppingly amazing instruments.
I look forward to being part of the community for decades and cannot think of a single negative thing to say about this venture and the guys running it.

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