Gta Hotels

7 years ago

The hotel website works fine until……..
You want to change something in your booking. Then you'll need to call GTAhotels, will be put on hold, tell the same story to the next person, you'll be put on hold again and in the end you discover that you've not been able to communicate your message.
I've booked a hotel via GTAhotels, but wanted to make a change, because my wife decided to join me on my business trip. All that needed to be changed was to change from single to double occupancy for the same room. A simple thing, you would say. But no, we first had to cancel the old room and then make a new booking, which would be deducted from my credit card. At the same time, as was promised, my old booking would be refunded. Well, you can already guess what happened: paid twice, nothing refunded. So I called again, was put on hold again, did my story again, would receive an answer in 2 days. But of course, no answer. So I called again, was put on hold again, did my story again, would receive an answer in 2 days. And then I gave up and find here my last resort to utter my frustration.
So if you don't want to change anything, all is find, if you do, you'll enter the maze of the friendly telephone assistants and you'll never get anywhere.

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