They have an ad on Craigslist saying you can work you own hours delivering groceries. You sign up with them for $5 and you create a profile saying why you think you'll be good at the job. They never get back to you. You never get job leads. After the initial fee they charge you $12.99 per month. On my checking account statement it says WWW.GCHMPS 877-245-6251 TX. This phone number is for a car dealership in Texas!!! When I sent them an email on their website to recover my password I never got a reply. You can send them emails on their website too with questions. They never got back to me. There are no names of individuals or company managers anywhere.
I looked on a website called Scam Advisor and I found a lot of information about them. GroceryChimps' website is being hosted by
Here is more information copied and pasted from Scam Advisor:
Title: GroceryChimps | Homepage
Description: Grocery Chimps connects people who can help pickup and deliver groceries, with people who
Type: shopping,groceries
Domain Age: 273 Days
Last Refreshed: Just now
Website Speed: Average
Website Value: $102.58
Organisation: Privacy Protection Service INC d/b/a PrivacyP
Owner: Domain Admin, C/O ID#10760
Owner Address: PO Box 16
Owner City: Nobby Beach
Owner Postcode: QLD 4218
Phone Number: +45.36946676 [Denmark]
Phone Type: geographic : TDC Totall脙赂sninger
Email: [United States]
Owner Country : Hidden [Unknown]
Website Location : United States [United States]
Probable website origin :-
89%; [Unknown] Unknown
6%; [Denmark] Denmark
5%; [United States] United States
[Alert Result] The owner of the website is using a service to hide their identity
[Alert Result] This website is 273 Days old
[Alert Result] The website expected life (365 days) is relatively short.
Analysis Details:-
Although this website appears to be based in United States there are other countries involved and you should review this information carefully and decide if it is as you expect.Although being a new website, does not make it un-trustworthy, as with any new business you should be extra vigilant and do your own research before placing an order or making an investment.
This site is using an anonymous service – which prevents us from identifying the site owner. This can sometimes be just so that the owner does not receive spam, but be aware that many scam sites use this as a method to hide their identify. If this is an ecommerce site – we would suggest you confirm the business address with the website owners.
The website has been newly registered with a short life expectancy, which follows the pattern used by many fraudulent and fake selling websites. Please be vigilant and take extra care before providing any payment information.
If this information has been useful, please help to keep scamadviser a free service with a small donation
Here is info I found on…:
Nameserver 17 IP:
Target :
City : Provo
Region : UT
Country: United States [United States]
Nameserver 0 IP:
Target :
City : Provo
Region : UT
Country: United States [United States]
Nameserver 1 IP:
Target :
City : Provo
Region : UT
Country: United States [United States]
Nameserver 2 IP:
Target :
City : Provo
Region : UT
Country: United States [United States]
Nameserver 3 IP:
Target :
City : Provo
Region : UT
Country: United States [United States]
Nameserver 4 IP:
Target :
City : Provo
Region : UT
Country: United States [United States]
Nameserver 17 IP:
Target :
City : Provo
Region : UT