I sent a money gram to a Francis Walker (the person I'm supposed to buy the puppy from online). I received a bill of sale and was notified my dog was at the airport. I then received an email followed by a phone call from people claiming to be from the airport. They told me I had to purchase a crate from them so the dog can fly. I was going to money gram them until the money gram company put a hold on it because people have reported it. I then realized it is a scam and emailed the dog seller informing him I am aware of his scam and requested a refund and have heard nothing back. They went above and beyond to set up this scam.
hey scammed me out of money it was always something that i needed to pay for
I found this web site showing puppies for sale. I contacted them by contact form on web site and received "form" type response. Upon checking for scams, found their responses (I got two) to be word for word the same as posted here for kyleshepherdshome.net which is a known scam. They also advised me they were in Newport News Va. DO NOT CONTACT THIS SITE!! Refer to kyleshepherds.net for exact wording. Also e-mails will come from "German Shephers Homes".