1 year ago
When you find yourself in the middle of a binary options losing streak, the emotions that inevitably accompany those losses can be devastating to your confidence. In almost all cases, a feeling that you are spinning out of control and are helpless to do anything about it is going to be a major component of the psychological challenges you are facing.
Binary Options is a complete scam, whilst you may have withdrawn money at some point, most withdrawals are forbidden, due to the unrealistic bonus contracts that tie you in for up to and over a year. In between that time-frame they will cause you to lose all your money with extremely high-risk and robotic algorithms.
Unfortunately, too many people have fallen victim to the vast array of binary options frauds, resulting in large losses, some accountable for life-changing consequences. Hackshieldrecovery, a team which is collated by industry professionals as a licensed recovery company who know exactly how to get your money back just like they did mine. File a complaint to them hackshield @ protonmail
2 years ago
been a long time i had a very good night rest ,three months ago i invested a total sum of $150000 in fastpro and Grand options hoping i was going to get my funds back with interest over a month or two .they sounded so persuasive over the phone always asking me to invest more and more ,i tried making withdrawal but they kept giving me excuses and asking for more money ,i couldn't even tell my wife about it nor my friends cause they would only make me feel worse.i contacted my therapist who i knows a lot of people after i got scammed by two other incompetent hackers,she connected me to hackmaniac who she always speak highly on. The hacker gave me hes skype address (hackmaniac92) and we talked over skype and told me in three days i would get my money back ,i nodded with little believe cause i have tried all possible alternatives but to no good ,[email protected] funded the recovery with the agreement in hand of getting 30% of the retrieved fund which i agreed to.I am proud to say i got my money back yesterday $105000 all at once ,am so glad been long i felt this relived .