On top of that, the whole process is quite offputting. They made us sign a 3 year contract, divided by six payments. After spending 5000 and realizing this was nothing we could earn a penny on, we asked to cancel. They reacted by demanding the remaining balance of $10,000. After telling them we wouldn't pay it, they sent the remaining balance to collections.
GovSpend locks you into a long contract without establishing any mechanism for you to exit the contract- but here is the secret, let them take you to court if they want because you can't force someone to pay something when you aren't providing the service promised.
I looked online and asked colleagues. There is not a single case of GovSpend taking anyone to court for not paying this cancellation fee but there are thousands of companies who have not paid them according to the collections company.
Rather you'll find that this company has had a number of lawsuits against their CEO, business practices, customer complaints, changed names at least 10 times as far as I can trace. Unfortunately, you have to spend 10 minutes digging online to find all this out. I wish I had done that before signing up.