6 years ago

A pathetic attempt at conflating New Age spiritualism with third-wave feminism and women's rights. These people profess to seek constitutional rights for women to be bare-breasted, despite how there is no constitutional decree regarding dress. They argue that it is in the best interest of society and females to proudly walk topless, yet they obviously fail to understand WHY women cover their breasts and the rationale behind it. Their moral arguments are specious, their ethical claims dubious, and their logic fallacious and flawed throughout every facet the purport as fact.

I have no respect for these idiots. I'm a progressive and a liberal-minded person myself, and I consider myself a strong proponent of equal rights and egalitarian policies, but these fools fail to understand that the biological differences between males and females translate into different standards of social acceptability with regard to what is shown. Unlike females, who have mammary glands closely associated with sexual arousal, males possess no distinctive or discernible traits which could be analogous. They compare the "breasts" of overweight and obese men to the breasts of females, despite how this betrays a complete failure to understand just what makes the female breast so different, so important, and so sexually arousing.

They would be better off advocating for nudism altogether, since at least there is more credibility for such a stance than this complete and utter bullshit.

Need I also mentioned that these people are the same people who worship UFOs? They're called "Ra毛lians":

These people are legitimately insane.


7 years ago

A nice move toward more freedom and liberty. Far from the backward push of the dusty consevative religious figures. And it works! Women dare to free their minds and free their breasts. Inspiring.


7 years ago

Very good site and positive action to the development of humain rights and the egality betwin man and woman !

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