4 years ago
We have a courtyard of holiday cottages on Exmoor and plan to close from April 2017 for 6 weeks in order to build the masonry shell of a new stone-faced bungalow on site. To give ourselves plenty of time we approached several builders for quotes in November 2016 and accepted a quote from Robert Goodman (Goodmans Builders, Ilfracombe) in December who said that this would fit in nicely with his current job which would be finished by April. However, mid-February 2017, he advised us that he can't do the job after all, that due to the Architect and Engineer his current job is delayed (not his fault then!), but of course by then all the other builders we approached for quotes have already got jobs lined up, and we are unlikely to find other builders in time, so he has absolutely left us up the creek without a paddle! His work may be OK (we don't know) but DO NOT rely upon him to keep his promises! If our experience is typical then he WILL let you down……UPDATE We did eventually find a different builder who could do the work at short notice, but at a higher cost!