7 years ago
Quite honestly they have an abundant supply of products, supposedly speaking. The website itself is a mess, however, it is so loaded and is highly user unfriendly. Finally when I wanted to pay with a secure way (PayPal) it wouldn't let me encouraging anonymous means (Western Union). So I decided to get help from the online "customer support" which ended up being people with little to no knowledge of the English language who automatically repeat the say phrases, "please give us your western union information so we can process your payment". All the logos of credit cards and numerous other payment formats is fictional, their only accepted way is Western Union. After a horrible customer service experience they ended up insulting me.
9 years ago
Beware they sell very low quality fakes just check the youtube reviews. Plus if they mess up which happens often they try to force you to place another order and say they will add in something extra.