10 years ago
This site ridicules women mainly for the fashion, make-up, and companion choices they make. They even ridicule women for not smiling enough because, you know, only a smiling woman is attractive and, hey, what do these celebrities with lots of dough have to complain about? Thank you, but NO to these femininity police. They suck.
13 years ago
go fug yourself – i heart this website. it provides a biting commentary on the clothes young hollywood wears and the lives young hollywood leads. the authors have a ventriloquists capacity to mimic celebrity voices and literary styles. they have an enviable grasp of the minutiae of pop culture which sometimes, as in their devotion to joan collins or the cast of beverly hills 90210, runs to hilarious obsession. they update regularly and are free of the puerile innuendo and ghoulish interest in the debased which mars other celebrity gossip websites. if i have one criticism it is that the tastes of the authors are somewhat conservative, tending toward the primness of a reese witherspoon and away from the adventurous if sometimes ill advised choices of a sienna miller. that said i hate sienna miller so maybe they are right. anyway, it's a great website so check it out.
13 years ago
Liza Minnelli is so scary – Did anyone see her in Arrested Development? She was frightening. And here she is frightening again–this time without pants.
13 years ago
I love this site!!!! – But they took away the forum š But maybe people will start to post right here!! btw, Jodie Sweetin's boobs are just way out of control. Oh wholesome Full House, how have you produced so many skanks!