
2 years ago

Money wired for investment, when term terminate, payout for investment not paid. Unless extra fees needed to be paid, total payable was $5,000 and they jumped to$35,000 plus! If I wanted that amount pay more fee's. Fees paid no money, the again contacted me and asked for More feed, I stopped sending money. To date nothing paid, never closed account…


2 years ago

I found a ad on Craigslist to invest $500 and in 21 days I will get my return and I have to pay fees of $679 it took me a while to pay the fees because I was not told that there were safe e to pay so I had to use my PayPal credit card for the $500 investment and the $679 fee they told me I made money and I was supposed to get a check but the check never came and then they told me the check was cancelled and they were going to wire my money to my account and they were waiting for the check to clear so they can send my money via wire transfer when I log into my account through their website it says that I made $25,505 and that it was paid out to me but I have not receive a single penny I tried calling them send them emails texting them and they stopped responding back this has been going on since August that's around the time I join them. please look into this matter I don't want this to happen to other people on their website they have a lot of people that supposedly have join them and they describe the amount that people have invested in and made through them thank you for helping me in this matter.

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