After 20 days, the parcel was returned to China. It had a fake return address on it and is lost forever. This "RCLeon" did neither help solve the case nor did he reship. On his website it says "Delivery Guarantee", but this obviously a lie, a marketing gag.
He refused to talk to me or provide me the opportunity to talk to his manager. He simply plays dead.
Since he a generous sponsor of many forums, he is still listed as reliable vendor, which I experience as deeply cynical joke.
Since he hides (probably in Hong Kong), police cannot do a thing, unfortunately. Chine allows their citizens to steal from people living outside China and do not cooperate with any foreign Law Enforcement.
This is a good example to not trust forums who take money from shops. We will never see the stolen money again…
Also, beware: On his web shop, he also advertises criminal activities like selling an illegal schedule I substance (same category as heroin) in bulk amounts, starting in units of a thousand grams.
We should have looked closer, this is a real criminal.