1 year ago
I needed a truck finance and i took my truck to them.i had a 2012 Freightliner for 30k at this time they said they would do it. so they sent me some pappers to sing so i sing them.at this tuck my truck payment was 2638.25 so at this time i made payments close to a year.so at this time i gave them a call to ask them e payoff for the truck.at this time they stated they i owe the another 50k pluse the 30k i had already payed puluse some other charges they stated.at this time thry wanted me to give them 90k for a truck that was supposed to be finance for 30k. immediately stop makeing the payments .at this time they repoed the truk left me stranded in the cold in georgia. at this time i would like to hear your opioion .Thanks