We even had to sue them for indemnification with regards to these additional Companies House fees as they were unwilling to admit and reimburse us for their obvious mistake which caused these additional costs.
Also be aware that once your business grows they become unable to handle it and thus as soon as you hit a certain balance sheet size or have to deal with UK revenue sources they won't be able to assist you in communicating with relevant UK authorities such as the HMRC. So they can only handle very routine and basic stuff – hence not worth the money.
On top of the very simplistic service that basically consists of them sending you various formulars to fill out and handle yourself, Go Ahead GmbH doesn't do much. In fact, you could very easily do everything on your own and simply pay for a registered office elsewhere. There's not much time saved and the price definitely isn't justified by the tiny amounts of service they render for you.
Don't expect to be able to communicate with them in English. They sell UK related services, but apparently only communicate in German. Go figure!
I advice everyone to go with another company. Hell, pick one of the cheaper options — their service is likely much, much better!