1 month ago
Disgraceful company have waited over a month for my purchase & emailed them 3 times with no reply they should not be allowed to trade pure theft
3 months ago
Ordered kitten paw earrings item never arrived the tracking number they give is not recognised when you email them get auto response people beware
3 months ago
Absolute scam!!! And linked to these two UK web pages/email
Warehouse No. 10, Building 5, Jin Shi Logistics Park
Huangshan str. 99, southeast development zone
215500 changshu
jiangsu province
People's Republic of China
The buying site appeared on FB and I bought a light drawing pad. When asking for refund/ return asked to send it back to China at expense at the above address or keep it and get 30% refund. Every email i send has automated response regardless what i say. Using returns code 004 generates the automated response but no point asking for them to progress refund of 30% as they don't respond.