2 weeks ago
Customer service $#*!e, grab your money and sell you unsafe illegal shut. If my son broke his head off that bike I will fly over and burn your company down and all your employees can happily go on the dole as they should be in jail
2 weeks ago
I've used this email service for about a year now. I used to use YAHOO but hated their politics so I stopped wanting to give them money. I signed up for an account (made sure my password was very secure) and configured Outlook to pull/push my emails from
If you are not sure if your password is crackable go here and type it in. It will tell you how long a crack program would take to crack it.
I've never had a problem with it since. It just works, and it's free. If you used O365 you see no ads either!
2 weeks ago
My account randomly got blocked for no reason, after trying to contact their support, they replied with this useless message:
Dear Member,
We have forwarded your request to unblock your account to our security department and it was determined that the account in question will remain blocked.
Please note that this is a decision made by our abuse department and we do not have further information we can provide to you.
With kind regards,
Your Support Team
1 month ago
Something very scandalous about this not quite sure never heard of the company tried to set up an account was granted an account and within minutes the account was closed for unknown reasons contacted the company They can't give any good justifiable reasons as to why they canceled my account within a minute of opening never been with them before never heard of them before. Pretty much seem like they just took my information and ran. I really wish I would have not done it. Lord knows where my information just went. I would run if I were you just too many red flags. As I said too strange I've never had an account with this company nor have I ever heard of them prior to this.
2 months ago
I am truly thinking of changing this email provider. So many restrictions, so-called security that stops you to do your work, a lot of advertisement in your email page, asks your password and email address all the time, and even if you give it, it doesn't work. Additionally, I grouped my conversations for the same sender, and now I can't break the thread! The only two features I like are: the feature of sending a read confirmation request and the priority feature where you can mention the urgency of the email.
3 months ago
This email is not even worth being free. I update my email about once a month regarding my password and EVERY time they lock me out. Of course I write down ALL of my pertinent and updated information. This garbage email is worse than gmail too. Pure trash, dont bother. I have 2 emails with this email provider and I can only use one as they LOCKED me out for "security reasons" and no one ever answers when you have a problem. I can understand thinking Im a scammer but Im not, I just want to read my own email. I have TWO email coz I'm on GAMER and lots of online games let me have 2 accounts in case your wondering. I enjoy having the extra storage space too.
4 months ago
Been using gmx for email for over 10 years and on the whole found it very reliable. As hosts go, its treated with some suspicion presumably due to rouge users, with other providers occasionally blocking. Over recent years though gmx seems to be more proactive in tackling misused accounts. Presently, I鈥檝e no reason to move and hope gmx will carry on the work of improving their standing in the email hosting world.
4 months ago
Far better than the email with my website at Bluehost. When my account at Bluehost comes up for renewal, I will close down my website & my account with Bluehost.
4 months ago
As of this morning 9/28/20, my access to GMX email is blocked unless i agree to their new terms: logging my exact geolocation, allowing them access to my systems and monitoring all my activity in real time and sharing it all with dozens and dozens of their new partners. Seems like ransomware to me. IF I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS, MY SCREEN SHOWS MY EMAIL BUT IT IS GRAYED OUT, DEACTIVATED.
i opened a ticket describing this activity and their response was "it appears to be a browser issue… " Uh, no, this is clearly a bad policy issue!
5 months ago
great email provider
5 months ago
I deliberately gave this review 5 stars, so it won't get buried in the 1-star reviews. The truth is that I'm seriously disappointed after 2 years of being a happy customer. I would now rate them 1 star or less. I'm suddenly unable to login, or the login process takes at least 5 minutes. I raised a query and was asked to provide screenshots, and to confirm my browser. Their next reply was a template that asked the same questions again. They gave me some handy tips on updating my browser or deleting old cookies. Thanks, but I'm not a total idiot. I've already told them that I'm using the latest Firefox browser and I answered all their questions. Next they sent me a link to their community page, filled with rambling advice from newbies who can't spell. Thanks, but I still want to see my emails. This is no joke: after I click 'login' I can login to 5 other websites or read the BBC news with a cup of tea while GMX decides whether to open or not. On the rare occasion when it does open, I usually see a message from Firefox inside the landing page that says 'Hmm, we're having trouble finding that site'. Can anyone find the guys at GMX? Do they care about their customers?
5 months ago
I have had no issues with this app. Works well for my needs.
5 months ago
Great email. Simple. Love it!
5 months ago
I have used GMX for years at work. I have worked 20+ yrs as a Finance Director all over the country. Manufacturers require that the dealership who sold said customer a vehicle, retain an email address for a survey.
I often had customers say, I'd rather not as they were worried about their personal email full of advertising from the dealership and spam. I always offered, what if I made an email for you that's just for the survey and I always signed them up using GMX because how quick and easy it was to set up the email for the customer and have had a few call to say thanks, because after they got the survey they also liked the ease of use. I bet I have set up over 2000 GMX email accounts for customers. Thanks for making my life easy and that of the consumer! 馃嵕馃馃馃馃槑馃槑馃槑
~ Mel ~
5 months ago
Free, pop3 possible, cloud available, nice app.
trust worthy for several years now.
5 months ago
I used to use for my e-mail, my account was created about 11 years ago. As I always checked my mails via outlook (first pop, later imap) and did not login via webmail any longer, it suddenly was closed down due to inactivity. Support would not help, I could not create the same address as it was blocked! I had created the format like
[email protected] As I did not want an alias like "supergirl123" but my NAME I tried to create a new account using my first name and It worked – but I was not able to login, not even ONCE! It said "due to irregular activity in your account it has been blocked, pls contact cust. Support". Customer support's answer was: "Our security department has attended to your problem not being able to log in and it was determined that the account in question will remain blocked!" They are such idiots! I did nothing wrong, it is just a normal name! No violance or anything abusive, just the opposite. Sorry, I am absolutely mad at these idiots! But: they lost a customer!
5 months ago
the desktop app was great but is gone and that sucks
5 months ago
A bloat-free experience. Email, in the old style. Not old-fashioned but old style with modern cloud backup tools included.
Lean and mean, you get to do more of what you intended, and less side-tracked by fluff and bloat so often seen elsewhere.
5 months ago
I started using this service when my MSN account was down and it's served me well. It's a little similar to G-mail, but without all of the Google background nonsense. I certainly recommend GMX as an additional email provider if you want something that's uncluttered.
6 months ago
Having tried several times to create a new GMX email account, and not getting anywhere as far as help from customer support, I give up. When entering my birthdate in the sign-up screen, in the proper format, I get an error message "minimum age must be 16 yrs old". I'm a grandmother, for pete's sake! After reading of all the issues with them, maybe it's a good thing I can't sign up. I would hate to be blocked from retrieving my email for no reason. I think I'll look elsewhere.
6 months ago
I've been using GMX for a few months and so far, I've had nothing but a great experience. It's easy to use and navigate, set up email filters. I like that I can attach a 50MB file if needed and best of all, it's not Google!
6 months ago
Good and nice
6 months ago
Good email service. Would be at least a 4 if it had 2 step security verification.
6 months ago
It is a nice email service, but they should have a adfree plan.
6 months ago
The only complaint I have so far is when you long-press and email on Firefox you can't see the box to place a checkmark. It's gray box on white background and my phone is Note 10+ so it's very bright.
I absolutely love the notification I get from GMX that something is in my SPAM folder. 99.9% of the time it's not SPAM so it's good to know an email is waiting. Blows Yahoo and Gmail away!!!!!