Final year university student, American but studying overseas. Terribly rusty math AND English skills after so many years out of high school; as an Accounting/Finance major, you don't really practise the things which get tested on the GMAT. Hell, I'd even forgotten things like basic geometry, or how best to tackle Venn diagrams. So… I decided that I needed a little help.
I'd considered other GMAT prep options, but found them unsuitable, whether due to poor(er) reviews, high cost, or simple lack of availability of information. After examining a few different GMAT prep program options, I eventually settled on GMAT Pill. Kaplan appears to be slightly poorer reviewed, and Manhattan's more expensive, so GMAT Pill it was.
It's been years since I actually had to use much of the math that the GMAT tests, or think about the intricacies of English, my practice test scores were at about 700 before I tried out this course. What I found was that the GMAT Pill core frameworks ran through concepts in a manner that was simple enough to grasp, and specifically targeted at the types of questions that I eventually found myself facing on the actual GMAT. The practice questions were also structured very similarly to the real deal, which obviously helped prepare me for the exam.
Everything being available online and in video format was also a plus. The always-available online video format made it easy to study whenever and wherever I wanted to, provided I had my phone or tablet with me. At home, on the subway, or even sitting by the pool. Don't underestimate the importance of a convenient studying resource that doesn't weigh several pounds; it'll make it much easier to keep studying consistently and allow you to take quick "study breaks" in between bouts of whatever it is you usually do.
I first started on the material about three to four weeks before my GMAT, and studied fairly inconsistently over the next few weeks. On the whole, I believe I put in about 10-20 hours of time fully concentrating on the material, and possibly another 10-20 or so leaving the videos running while I did other things that weren't overly taxing on my mental resources – television, video games, laundry, and such. It might not seem like a whole lot of time, but that's part of my point entirely; the program ran through things in such a simple way that it wasn't difficult to understand the concepts. So again… pretty impressed.
It seems to me that the GMAT really is all about studying, test-taking techniques and preparation. I'm honestly just very impressed that it helped me score so well, as I wasn't expecting any more than about 740 as a hard upper limit. If any of this helps any of you guys out, it'd be fantastic. The GMAT Pill proved very effective for me, and I'd recommend it to anyone who's looking to do well on the GMAT.
The actual Official Guide problems he uses don't even have the full problem. Instead, they tell you to find the rest of the problem in the 2013 Official Guide. I'm sorry but if I'm spending $169.00 on this (way more than Magoosh which is 10x better) you shouldn't be too lazy to write the full problem so that I have to buy ANOTHER version of the Official Guide that's fairly outdated.
To make matters far worse, it is very difficult to cancel your subscription. They make it extremely hard to figure out how to do this and my webpage kept having an error signal when I tried to find the button in settings. Then, I emailed support and they literally said this.. "Go to your account settings to cancel." REALLY? You think I didn't know this? No further explanation?
The guy who does the videos thinks overcomplicating problems makes it easier. He goes so fast through each practice problem. His methods scream, "I'm bragging about how good I am at math." He has "it's that simple!" attitude, when it's really not. His voice is also annoying. I wish I didn't waste almost $200.00 on this.
And to think that they're supposedly planning on charging people $700.00+. They claim these offers will go away fast but it's just a ploy to lure you in. They just care about getting money. Go with Magoosh. Mike is AWESOME, enthusiastic about math, and really wants you to learn. This Zeke is just a guy who scored high on his GMAT so he thinks he's a pro.
I had my exam yesterday and I came out with 710! I did not think this would ever be possible because I was studying GMAT for almost an entire year.
Completely cleared up my confusion regarding all the verb tenses.
Every other material I used – OG/Kaplan/MGMAT – made it really hard for me to understand all the verb tenses. I still don't know what subjunctive is. Or what this phrase or that phrase is.
But I am able to pick the right answer without knowing all that stuff. And my score shows it!
But with GMAT Pill, somehow I got it. Maybe it's taught so that dumb people like me can actually understand things in a way that others can't. It could be because I got more and more used to the material, but one thing's for sure: I'm super glad I signed up.
I was trolling around various forums and reading other reviews. Everybody said good things about GMAT Pill. I figured there's GOT to be some negatives.
Well, there are. Let me point them out first:
– The interface is not super clean. They could probably hire some UI designers and make the site look really pretty. If you tend to judge things by their physical outward appearance, this is a point to note.
-You need a reliable internet connection. This was not a problem for me, but I would imagine people who plan to study at the local starbucks where the internet might be shaky – you should probably just stay at home and use your home internet–or even your work computer.
But there were so many more pros:
– sooo much easier to understand than all the MGMAT/Kaplan books I was using. Also much better than reading through all the forum threads in terms of time efficiency.
– most videos viewable on iPad on the go. This was helpful as I was commuting on the train. With WiFi access, I was able to watch the videos in the morning and on the way back home. I say "most videos" because the remaining ones you need to use a real computer to watch the videos.
– Zeke boils down all the SC questions into core frameworks. With the right mindset, you can actually kind of guess what you're being tested on if you can identify the sentence structure/framework upfront. This helped a lot. Coming into each question, I had a plan of attack. Before, I would just stare at it and just kind of haphazardly go about it without getting anywhere. But now I have an attack strategy.
–Lots more that I probably can't think about right now.
Anyway, I hope this review is helpful. I normally don't take my time to do this, but I really do feel Zeke has done a really good job and wanted to help him back for helping me.
I would consider coming back to GMATPill for essay editing help. I don't need it right now, but perhaps in a few months.
Good luck, everyone!
I can't say anyone else who uses the program will get a 700+, but for the amount of time I spent to improve my score this was the most efficient way to tackle the test. I would watch the videos a couple of hours a night and for the most part I didn't have any trouble learning it. The explanations are very straightforward and most importantly it is very easy to go back and forth just in case you get lost. The program breaks each question down into separate videos and this really helped reinforce the strategies. I guess the only suggestion is that if they put a name to the strategy for each question that they go over it would be even easier to remember.
All in all, a terrific program and quite a bargain!
Reason why I'm satisfied with GMAT PILL:
The entire course is designed for people like me who are below average and take time to understand. All courses are designed so that one can improve his/her level knowledge by giving less time. I am glad that I have signed up for the right course. It enables me to learn the strategy to solve questions quickly. I would like to recommend this course to those people who are looking to crack a significant score although they are below average level like me.
The verbal portion has a bunch of core frameworks followed with videos that cover material from the Official Guide — and then additional practice on the Practice Pill Platform.
I improved my score from 620 to 700 — and had to immediately give thanks to my coach at GMAT PILL.