1 year ago
When you buy something like i bought the year 4 pass for R6S and it was on my account working fine but a month later they refunded the purchase and now the pass has gone. I contacted ubisoft and they said the seller you bought the pass of has removed it from your account and there is nothing we can do.
When you buy something like i bought the year 4 pass for R6S and it was on my account working fine but a month later they refunded the purchase and now the pass has gone. I contacted ubisoft and they said the seller you bought the pass of has removed it from your account and there is nothing we can do.
1 year ago
Great! I orderd 1200 r6 credits and pro league sets after 2 days i got all that and season pass + all operators for free. What a great side.
1 year ago
I already ordered at this site for the 3rd time. They are very fast and there were no problems.
2 years ago
very fast and safe service
2 years ago
Buyed 16k credits + season pass
No ban, 30min delivery, very fast and responsive support, need to note this is the R6 seller from site XTMMO that made his own bussines.
No ban, 30min delivery, very fast and responsive support, need to note this is the R6 seller from site XTMMO that made his own bussines.