Category General


Clara 7 months ago w weeks the results are still happening. The lashes are long and strong. The liquid does not cause me any skin darkening or itching. I use it once in the evening after I have removed all…


Clarissa 6 months ago This site is totally scam. They are talking bulshit. And always given unrealistic promises. Don't do any investing. Not given withdrawal…. Beware from them..


Dexter 2 years ago My online call did work with Chrome. But more doctors could be available…

Lucia 3 years ago Shipping took 2 or 3 days to happen, but item arrived within 2 days of that. Item was exactly as advertised. Very high quality. Spoke with a CS rep before ordering, she was top notch. Very…


Johnathon 4 years ago Ordered a reconditioned Mazda Bongo engine which arrived and turned out to be very second hand, just pulled straight from another car and delivered complete with the severed ends of the old cooling hoses still attached…

Landon 11 years ago 鍖荤檪绯诲皞闁€銈点…

CarePatrol Franchise Systems

Jarod 3 months ago My relationship with CarePatrol is professional and we have been partnering for years. Outstanding and prompt attention as well as lots of education for each individual family that needs our help. , Gary 5 months ago…

Amanda 6 years ago Provides families and health professionals with details of the care options available in the USA, as well as offering support, needs assessment, and product sales.


Tyrell 5 years ago Ordered from them on Nov 29, 2015. I'm guessing that's just days before they shutdown their website and disappeared; maybe to reappear under another name. Emails to Admin(@) or merchant contact piccoli.steven(@) went unanswered. Let's see…

Natalie 11 years ago Carenado is a trustworthy and well established Microsoft Flight Simulator aircraft add-on developer. Their aircraft are solid and dependable, customer service and support could be a little better but there are no major issues.


Paula 1 year ago CareOne is the WORSE of the WORST. My GOD, the poor old people imprisoned in these so-called "skilled nursing facilities!" They'd get better care in a JAIL, instead of criminal places like these that charge 12,…