
1 year ago

No good as a casino and outdated reviews and advice. The editor reviews published are badly in need of a re write. Not untrustworthy though!


2 years ago

Not a bad place but certainly not the most freshtastic one in terms of latest bonuses and promotions. Not a bang up to date adviser either.


2 years ago

This is the worst looking, worst built casino info site online. Everything is outdated including all the info as well as the design. No point going on the forums and I am surprised it is not covered in cobwebs.


7 years ago

When it comes to doing research about online casino sites there are many resources to choose from. Most of them are geared specifically towards funneling you to various gambling websites that they work with as most of these website owners make money whenever they refer you to one of the websites listed or advertised on their sites. Casino Advisor doesn't seem all that much different in reality but one thing I do like about their website is that it appears as though the reviews (both editor reviews and player reviews) are objective and without bias. The same goes for their forum and message board where you'll find discussion among visitors that offer their views. In specific I recommend looking though the "complaints" forum. There you'll find good information about which casinos to play at and which ones to avoid. Overall I give these guys a pretty high rating for quality and overall knowledge of this industry.

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