4 weeks ago

Sent in one box and received a new mailer box but no check. Called and emailed with no response. pay DOUBLE and you get your money!


1 month ago

Sent in 6 boxes, less than 6 months old, and they claimed 5 were expired and only paid me for one. Contacted BBB and am still going back and forth with the rude, condescending "business owner… do NOT use this site, and please check into ANY site before you send your strips… this one is a scam


2 months ago

I sent 2 boxes of strips 9/30/2020 post office says they received them they never sent my check and responded once by email that they didn't have them when post office says they did they ate a scam I should have received $42 don't deal with these people


1 year ago

First, there other companies out there that buy test strips and have larger payouts than such as (wish I saw that first). Second, be careful and read everything they send you, not just the legalities of the terms and conditions. let me be clear, it was my fault, I didn't look close enough and ended up getting $10 for boxes they were supposedly giving $20 a box for. I only read through the terms and conditions, which is what I believe you are legally agreeing to. Their terms and conditions did not state anything about expiration dates. Of the 20 boxes I sent them, 16 had expiration dates that fell within a 9 month range which reduced the payout in half. I truly believe that their terms and conditions are not specific enough and need to be changed. If you choose to use them, just be careful, they get to decide what your payout will be and could be significantly less than what you are expecting.

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