5 years ago
Placed an order and waited a week then called the company, I was snapped at that it would take up to 2 weeks. Called again and they allegedly sent me replacement cards, another week has passed and still nothing. I've received all my other post and no issues whatsoever with any other company. Spoke to Hayley who said I had to put a complaint in writing (read we hope you wont bother) and then a very brusque manager called Sue who just snapped it's only 2 reloadable cards. She fails to grasp that when being paid to deliver something their liability is not discharged at the point they hand things to their choice of delivery company. Now as a result I'm out of pocket in time, petrol & parking money and loss of discount simply because of a disreputable company who then, when this was pointed out, just say it's terms and conditions. Her attitude is really one of 'we couldn't care less' and I really believe employers should think twice before using this company.