3 months ago
I like the ease of the app and accessing what you need and I absolutely LOVE the boosts & that you can change them as needed, as well as personalizing my card and anonymity that you can use. The only problem I have is that certain companies dont recognize it, (you can link it to your paypal and chime but not vice versa.) Also the fact that unless you have a linked bank account, you have to have the card to use it or know someone who does. You also cannot load the card.
9 months ago
Hello everyone! My name is Paul, A few months ago, I invested a large some of money into binary options and I was scammed big time. It took the intervention of eazirecovery atprotonmail to help get them back.
1 year ago
At first it all seems great and you earn points but you don't notice many activities they miss the coins on… then you have to email and ask for help and sometimes it takes a long time to get very few points they just scam you out of your data