They don't answer your email or phone calls. They have yet to set up a voicemail. Possibly due to the high volume of calls from complaints, excessive. Go ahead and try to call them; you will be on the phone for days ~ no one is going to pick up. I already tried to get a refund.
This is just like any other XXXX on how to get rich quick with the stock market. You pay lots of money and they give you a couple of stocks to invest, some have a horrible finance history on the brink of disappearing.
Besides this, all you are going to get is excessive upselling and email spamming; in abundance so you can give them more money for other products. All advertising is hardselling. Similar to 1980鈥檚 style.
For example, one of the several products they advertise is for more money; claiming they have a system called S force. You can time the market and have the potential to make 10,000x more money in the stock market.
But it is a secret! So don鈥檛 tell your neighbor!
You have to give them thousands of dollars more for this secret. I did not get into this because everything looks and sounds like a XXXX. If they really have this, any hedge fund will give Billions; China will give you trillions for this!
Why do they want to give this secret for my pennies from poor people like you and I? To help you? Really? You think Mr. Casey is here to help you?
If you do good research, you will find all the good investment advice, and better, for free on YouTube.
Did I say no refund allowed? Think about it? If refunds where allowed, they would not be in business.
If you are willing to make the mistake of buying this, ignore the first few emails; they are going to keep on emailing you lowering their prices, so if you want to be a fool once, wait for them to lower the price and then buy this and you be a fool just once; but if you want to buy from the beginning, you will be charged three times the amount!
Get ready for all their promotion to buy more stuff. It's non stop promotion after promotion. I had to block their emails. It's that crazy!!!
The reason I got into this was because they kept sending me email after emails, after I subscribed to their news letter, that you finally break down.
I'm a retired disable military poor person and I will never dare to take money from another poor person just to take advantage. I rather die than to do something like that. All these people are millionaires and that's what they do? How insensitive!
Raymond B.
On top of it all, they started selling my e-mail address to other similar pump schemes and now I get spammed occasionally.
Learn from my mistake.
The site, I believe is trustworthy, but of course, one should remember that most types of investments are not guaranteed and could rise or fall in value.