3 years ago

Very light green. It's an online advertiser that also does online tracking and behavioural analysis. Somewhat privacy invading, but nothing malicious going on here. I allow it because it is used by stackoverflow and its satellite sites and I do not want to deny them their income.


4 years ago

Truste certified, benign tracking service. I'll allow.


5 years ago

I get a lot of tracking cookeis from this website, even though I haven't been on it at all!

I've removed 5 tracking cookies in a row in 1 scan just now O_o

I don't trust to enter the website. Be cautious with children too.


5 years ago

Ad/Tracking domain


5 years ago

As I have stated many times before, comments on websites that are more than 1 year old need to be archived and those ratings removed from the current posted ratings. Just because a website or business has had a bad reputation at one time is no excuse for continued bad ratings unless the ratings are based on the companies current (the last 1 or 2 years) activities are bad. The ratings should be based on a moving average basis that is weighted on current and not years old activity.


8 years ago

Good site…


9 years ago

"Some companies may use cookies to store information about you in order to deliver to you a better and more personalized service"


9 years ago

…Its tracking cookies are NOT spyware


9 years ago

"Just because a site offers a way to opt out of their tracking functions, doesn't mean that is unethical, in fact that is more ethical."


9 years ago

THey have zero tolerance for spyware ana Malware


9 years ago

This site is a B-2-B media techonology company.


9 years ago

Never received SpAm from this site, they're CLEAN


9 years ago

You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some website features or services may not function properly without cookies.


9 years ago

In my opinion, protecting user privacy is essential to the growth and prosperity of the Internet;
important is to create results for advertisers and publishers in revolutionary ways without compromising individual privacy.


9 years ago

is an online advertising network.
Its service is intended to join behavioral targeting with advanced data analytics to improve
campaign optimization over a global advertising network


9 years ago

Although some may feel web page ads are annoying, the ads keep useful content online and available for free.


9 years ago

Casale is an advertising network. It doesn't send "spyware or Malware" just because its ads may be displayed on unsavory Web sites.
Rating poorly just because it's an advertising network makes no sense. "


9 years ago

Safe website.


9 years ago

As it's stated in the ir PP : Casale Media participates in TRUSTe's Privacy and Trusted Data Collection Programs. TRUSTe privacy seals help thousands of businesses promote online safety and trust, and guide consumers to websites that protect their privacy online. This privacy policy covers the data collection and use practices of Casale Media's Online Advertising Network (MediaNet) and website, Because we want to demonstrate our commitment to our users' privacy, we have agreed to disclose our privacy practices and have them reviewed for compliance by TRUSTe. If users have questions or concerns regarding this policy, you should first contact us. If you are not satisfied with our response you can contact TRUSTe here. TRUSTe will serve as a liaison to resolve users concerns.


9 years ago

There is an interesting article,


9 years ago

No need for comment, take a look at :


9 years ago

They seem to have changed their ways. Please see :

Changing the rating and the comment. For now.


9 years ago

…cookie is a TEXT file, IT IS NOT A PROGRAM. It does not affect your computer's operation, it does not transmit data, it is not able to read or write anything on your computer. There is no attempt at making people buy something. It is similar to a log that is being looked at every time you land on a site that uses us to deliver banner advertising. It is used to monitor how many of which banners we display. These cookies can be deleted easily and can even be completely blocked at browser level.


9 years ago

I have never seen malicious downloads from this site. It does use tracking though, but there are plenty of ways to block that. There are also lots of sockpuppet comments from November 2010, not good practice.


9 years ago

Never received spyWare or MALware from this site

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