
1 month ago

We stayed there over 01/09/21 through 01/12/21, we came down to ride with our UTVs with some other friends. On Sunday night, some low lifes broke into our secured enclosed trailer and stole a bunch of items from out utv, after they busted out our door lock. They then broke into my truck toolbox and stole some items from there as well as damaging my truck. We went to security to report it and they treated us like we were to blame. Very condescending and careless. Wouldn't even look at the cameras. I understand the signs in the parking lot about them not being responsible but dont treat your guests like crap just because your to lazy to do anything about it. Some poor lady across the street at Virgin river had her wheels stolen! We came to the conclusion that mesquite is a dirt hole and Casablanca only wants your money, they could care less about anything else. Us nor our friends will be back. I will tell as many people as I possibly can about them.

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