6 years ago
Very useful source of information.
6 years ago
Its a base level organisation, fighting the FDA, big tobacco, big pharma and big government for the rights of Vapers.
6 years ago
This site has very good, factual information about alternatives to smoking tobacco. Lots of links to scientific studies. Nice to see this information compiled in one place.
6 years ago
issues related to adult use of nicotine replacement, particularly of the eletronic cigarette variety
6 years ago
A very thorough and informative site! A+
6 years ago
I have been able to follow links from this site back to their original source, they are professional, with no inappropriate material. I feel comfortable allowing my child to read this website.
6 years ago
CASAA is a consumer's group dedicated to offering factual information about electronic cigarettes and their safety. The website offers important information for those who want to help ensure these products remain available for the use of adults for enjoyment or for smoking cessation.
6 years ago
CASAA is a great site with fact based information! I am a smoker of 32 years, and since I started "vaping" I have never felt better! They keep the public informed, and we all stand together to keep our choices just that, OUR choices.
I have been using eCigs since last September, and I have asthma. Since starting eCig use, I have not had to use my inhaler other than for allergies. No colds, bronchitis, or pneumonia since I started.
Don't let the government fool you, they're not making money off of the sales of eCigs. And parents who leave their "juice" out for their children to get their hands on, shouldn't have children to begin with.
6 years ago
Very informative, which is especially valuable since there is so much misinformation out there on vaping. There's testimonials of former smokers who quit using e-cigs.
6 years ago
Without this Non-profit organization I would not know about all the lies my elected officials spread to support their agenda.
Their information is credible and spot on for the truth. Something that is lacking with my elected officials and the big money brokers that fuel their folly.
Casaa backs up all of their info up with reliable, peer reviewed and published studies.
Their information is credible and spot on for the truth. Something that is lacking with my elected officials and the big money brokers that fuel their folly.
Casaa backs up all of their info up with reliable, peer reviewed and published studies.
6 years ago
Very knowledgeable and unbiased information
6 years ago
Great site with factual information for tobacco harm reduction.
6 years ago
This is a consumer advocacy website and does what they say in there indtrduction.
6 years ago
Excellent resource for learning the Facts about electronic cigarettes / It is a consumer based and run by volunteers and supported by thousands of members. Documented health studies, printable literature and a whole host of scientific Proof
e-cigs are a harm-reduction method
e-cigs are a harm-reduction method
6 years ago
This is a great site that provides valuable information to people looking for an alternative to smoking.
6 years ago
Good site with trustworthy information on vaping and e-cigarette use.
6 years ago
Gives those of us that use ecigs, and other reduced harm alternatives to smoking, a voice against those who wish to see nicotine disappear.
6 years ago
Very informative and helpful!!
6 years ago
It's a consumers site for users of socalled electronic cigarettes.
Lot's of good information on the topic.
Lot's of good information on the topic.
6 years ago
Anyone who ranks this kind of site with a low rating is silly. CASAA does so much to raise awareness to THR and Ecigs!
6 years ago
Brilliant site with an emphasis on truth based on facts.
6 years ago
CASAA is the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association. This website provides truthful information about Tobacco Harm Reduction.
6 years ago
Very informative, lot's of support and assistance from members