Cartoon Network

3 weeks ago



2 months ago

Cartoon Network was an amazing channel once upon a time. But now I don't know what's wrong, it's telecasting 5 shows repeatedly. I wish we can watch the amazing old shows like Dragon Ball Z, Teen Titans, etc… I'm Really desperate…


2 months ago

My name is okonji chinonso I am from Nigeria and as u are reading this thing so eh I dey vex IAM so angry because you people remove my dragon Ball super from carton network what kind of $#*!ing thing is this na please bring it back or else the next generation of carton network will never see any reviews worse than this and by next week I don't see my dragon Ball super una go no say kantte no be leather I will report to the government. I am out suckas BE WARNED


3 months ago

There is more advertisement then cartoon in this channel. I think it's name should be advertisement network rather then cartoon network. And all time it is giving oggy and cockroaches and, badri and budh. And all the episodes are always repeated everyday.


7 months ago

I love cartooon network brings back memories


9 months ago

Great cartoon channel with good cartoons


1 year ago

awesome cant really find any bad stuff that are offending or inapropiate

it even made me learn english ( im algerian )
I LAUGH TILL I BREAK A RIB (not exactly)


1 year ago

I like the channel But can you bring back the old shows and games and put videos back on the site?


1 year ago

The app won't work, games suck, and very bad and shady. It is notorious for being hacked…
I'm 19 why did I look at this lol


2 years ago

Just so you guys know, I am saying this to help you and not hurt you. What happened to you guys? You used to be the kings of cartoons and originality, now you guys are just making cheap comedic reboots of great shows from the past and other shows that seem to be just for kids. Do you think its possible the reason you guys are at a record low rating (heard from the internet) is because you stopped pushing for new ideas and that you started making shows that only appealed to kids instead of making them for people of all ages? Also, I think you guys are focusing a bit too much on comedy and need some shows with one big story and adventure,. You know, the kind of story where every episode has to be seen for the whole show to make sense (gives kids a good reason to watch). It just seems to a lot of people that you are just making cartoons for money instead of just for art and that you may be able to make more money if you gave them shows that they would really want to watch. By the way, I was wondering why you guys think you have an aggressive schedule (heard from teen titans go 200th episode, it was actually entertaining)? I mean compared to 10 yrs ago, you guys have half as many shows that air half as long, so where does all you time go if you have less work for cartoons these days? When I was a kid, Cartoon Network was my absolute favorite channel and I rushed to the tv every saturday to watch my favorite show, but there are hardly anything for me to watch on Cartoon Network these days because they don't appeal to me. Overall, I would say that what you guys need to do is to make more shows that aren't comedies to balance out the channel, have more shows with deep stories, give others shows a chance to grow, and add more diversity to the scheduling because i'm pretty sure even the biggest fans will get bored of the same show airing too much. Please, I really want to be excited from watching tv on Cartoon network again.


2 years ago

Cartoon Network is dying you got rid of Regular Show, The Original Teen Titans, As of today you don't air Clarence or Steven Universe and replace all the GREAT shows of the 2010's with what? Apple an Onion, Craig Of The Creek, Unikitty which sounds like a show for Nick Jr c'mon now Cartoon Network go back to what actually worked for y'all


3 years ago

It got some really sh**tygames like tooncup 2017 and many more.
I really hate. I remind me of Pokemon go. That鈥檚 some real sh* ma nigg4


3 years ago

Cartoon Network, I'm saying this to you. Bring back the original teen titans. It had a grate story and some of the most interesting characters ever. I would look forward to every episode, when the final episode of season 5 came around I was exited for season 6 and was hoping to see beast boy and terra get together. Insted teen titans go came out, a really crapy terrible rip off of the original that was sent funny in the slightest way possible. When it came on I wanted to smash my tv to smithereens. So now I'm on my knees begging you, Bring back the old teen titans. Plus it was super popular so bringing it back might make you a LOT of money.


3 years ago

I dont know whats happening on the channel right now, but giving them 4 stars for my childhood memories with lots of outstanding shows!


3 years ago

Ive never seen any channel on tv get so bad so fast. Wtf happened, Teen titans go, Uncle grandpa, Clarence, mighty magiswords, and the whole rest of the channel is terrible. Rip good shows that actually taught little kids good stuff with morals like the original Teen Titans. Just stop cartoon network, just stop


4 years ago

Teen titans go on cartoon network is horrible, I hate it!!! Why does cartoon network show this crap over and over and over…. The show is really irritating, don't they have better shows to put on tv!? Bring back the old classics that everyone can watch and enjoy!!!


5 years ago

why are you guys screwing up old classics like teen titans and Scooby doo and replacing good shows with stupid stuff like adventure time, world of gumball, and all the other 'new and improved' waste of television space? I refuse to let my kids watch cartoon network because of the network's amazing ability to dumb down our kids with stupid 'funny' television that has no place in a worth while future of entertainment. This used to be my favorite network to watch but with all the crap on it the last couple years I avoid it like the plague! My childhood heroes are now complete idiots on teen titans and Scooby doo. It disappoints me greatly.


6 years ago

Very good cartoon channel. All of it's programs is awesome. A+


7 years ago

Something where you play games about characters from the actual Cartoon Network channel on TV. It can't pose any harm.


7 years ago

Safe but doesn't have an https.


7 years ago



7 years ago

I watched cartoon network when I was younger. Scooby doo was my favorite.


7 years ago

I don't know why The trustworthiness isn't at 100.Also the privacy, vendor reliability, and child safety I'm surprised about. It is 100 percent safe.


7 years ago

Me gusta this site.


7 years ago

Best ever!

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