
2 years ago

Pendulette worthless

I have an alarm clock (pendulette) from the series Les Must de Cartier. It had fallen from my night stand and needed to be repaired. I brought it to my next Cartier boutique in Bordeaux. Not only was the receptionist unsympathetic to say the least, she also didn't give me any information on the duration of the repair and the estimated cost. After several weeks
I got the false email information that I could come in to fetch my item as I had rejected the quotation (devis). I never had got a quotation. As I protested it turned out finally that their repair shop in Paris couldn't do the repair because they had seized to produce the necessary spare part.

While I have some Swiss watches that are much older and can still be repaired Cartier has my costly item rendered worthless. I cannot recommend to buy any watch from a shop that cannot repair your item after several years.

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