CartGoo Global Shop

3 years ago

ready to take your money fast but not willing to give it back fast at all I am still waiting 1 week later i ring every second day they say we will fast track your request and i am still waiting for this dam number i need to send them back.
the Polaryte glasses are cheap nasty and ineffective i knew when i opened the box..CHEAP.. i wore them 5 minutes and could not stand them on they are not how they were advertised, all i want it to return them it is not easy at all, the whole experience has taught me never to watch TV sales again it has cost over $20 postage and i never got a thing for that $20 BUT A PAIN IN THE HEAD..


8 years ago offers china wholesale electronics,Android tablet pc,Smartphone,Iphone and Ipad accessories,Computer electronics,Video Games,Phone and Video,LED gadgets,Watches,Gifts,New and Cool gadgets.We offers more than 20% discount for weekly deals and wholesale buyer.

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