7 months ago
We bought a car from Cars Junction in Wandsworth on 30 May. We noted that the air con wasn't working and Imran said that it'd need a re-gas at 拢50 so we paid and when it was delivered on 1 June it seemed fine. The air con stopped working less than two weeks later. Imran tried to get me to take it to a local KwikFit but they said it would have to go back to him so I took it to their lockup and left it with them for a week. The car came back and within a couple of days the air con had stopped working again. Imran asked me to take the car directly to KwikFit in Wandsworth and there one of the team suggested that I should ask to return the car while it was still within its first 30 days. I told Imran I wanted to reject the car but he insisted this wasn't an option but he promised to have the air con repaired. He kept the car for over two weeks and we got it back on Wednesday 15 March. The air con broke again on Friday 17 March and we said we wanted to return the car. Following a conversation with citizens advice we were told that any time a car is back with the dealer doesn't count towards the first 30 days so we were still within the first 30 days of possession and under the sale of goods act 2015 we were fully entitled to a refund. Unfortunately Imran said "this is silly, the car has been with us for two weeks and working fine. I will pass the matter to our legal team." Citizens advice have said we should not drive the car. We are now left with a car that we have to insure because it's parked at our house, but we can't buy a new one. My partner works in a hospital so we are in real trouble, especially as our last contact with Imran is the we would hear back within 14 days. Fortunately we paid for some of the car with a credit card so we've put in a claim for a refund for the full amount and are awaiting their response. We have done all we can to be reasonable and helpful. We've given them two chances to sort the problem out, one more than we needed to by rights and we've ended up having to resort to taking action against them. All I can say is do not buy from this company, they will not follow the law in regards to your rights as a buyer.