It's all the same. They all want your money and will not tell you all you need to know.
I brought my car to a local shop today for inspection and an oil change. The mechanic told us we needed to replace the muffler and the battery already. I called the service dept. at Car sense and spoke to David. He told me it is natural for the car to get a hole in the muffler and to replace the battery within a year with a car driven under 3000 miles.
David was telling me that I didn't like his answers.
The cars muffler tin is so thin, WE KNOW IT DIDN'T ROT LIKE THIS IN UNDER A YEAR. My muffler was TIN THIN and was EXCESSIVELY corroded. That extreme doesn't happen within one year. David didn't even see the condition of the muffler and stuck by his answer and didn't want to do anything about my situation writing it all off.
When my fiance and I bought the car, we were waiting for the car to be finished prepping to take home, we wanted to go and talk with the mechanic servicing our car before we took it home. The sales lady, Laura Pfeiff would not let us go back there to ask questions, not letting us take a look under the car for more questions. We had to go through Laura to ask questions. Now I know why.
David with Carsense won't do anything about it. As long as THE CAR PASSED THEIR SPECS, JUST PASSING, THEY PASSED THE CAR.
I recommend that you, the customer, bring a mechanic, a knowledgeable friend and check the car yourself underneath to make sure you don't have to pay for things they didn't want to replace, passing on the cost to you to come back for services. They make their money servicing your vehicle. I don't recommend them. This is unacceptable. Unheard of.