7 years ago
The rating is false. My rating does not even make a difference here. There is no reason provided who and why the rating is so bad. This product is life saving and excellent!
8 years ago
Obviously big pharma is behind the poor ratings concerning this site and the products it markets. By all accounts Carnivora is a wonderful product for immune system enhancement and, of course, with a strong immune system none of big pharma's poison is needed. What a shame they want to keep us sick so they can make us sicker.
9 years ago
The products offered on this site may be useful to people with immune issues. This is an 'alternative' therapy, therefore it is automatically attacked by those who oppose such things. They have not left comments, so the basis for their opposition is nothing other than knee-jerk.
I've heard the man who is offering these products on the radio and an interview with a woman who rid her body of 'dangerous' cells using these protocols.
You will notice that virtually all 'alternative' websites will have red "poor" warning. Since these sites are routinely attacked, the 'poor' rating becomes meaningless. Due diligence is the answer. Check out the product(s) on the net and search other sources of information. In other words, you cannot trust the Web of Trust… unfortunately.
9 years ago
I've not decided whether the site is bad or not, but am concerned that WOT did not give me a popup warning as it does with so many other questionable sites. I will double check WOT's response to known troubled sites as maybe my browser is interfering. I wish those who have dissed the site would at least leave a comment. It's my life and health I'm concerned with here so it's important. Come on, people, step up!