When the bitcoin deposit confirms you are redirected to page that says you do not have permission to be there and then the page turns white. You cannot access. Your IP is blocked. Upon changing IPs and creating a new account I contacted both scammers asking for help and screen turns white again. I created 2 more accounts to post warnings to other users, but they were banned quickly and comments deleted. I cannot access the page at all now.
Look, I get it. I was looking to do some bad things. I probably got what I deserve. But, they are ripping people off and the whole site is helping other rip off innocent people. Get the site taken down. Don't do business with Alpha. Don't trust Verto.
Another user said these sites are all run by the same person: https://cardingforum.co/
Admin creates an environment to cheat and do it directly
I have been scammed $ 600 when dealing with them
Stay away from it!