4 months ago
Since dies for pastamakers, usually only comes in a very limited number of styles, i was very happy to find this page, that has a huge selection that fits my machine.
After ordering, it took only 3 days for the dies to arrive, so i was ecstatic when I saw them in my mail.
Pricewise there is not much saved, but the huge selection outweighs this minor point easily.
The only real downsides I noted, was that the die come in a very nondescript, and not very long term use friend packaging (cardboard), and the innards of the die seems to be plastic, and not bronze like the rest. So I doubt the life expectancy of the dies, but it鈥檚 worth a shot.
This page is a must for the enthusiastic pasta maker.
After ordering, it took only 3 days for the dies to arrive, so i was ecstatic when I saw them in my mail.
Pricewise there is not much saved, but the huge selection outweighs this minor point easily.
The only real downsides I noted, was that the die come in a very nondescript, and not very long term use friend packaging (cardboard), and the innards of the die seems to be plastic, and not bronze like the rest. So I doubt the life expectancy of the dies, but it鈥檚 worth a shot.
This page is a must for the enthusiastic pasta maker.