3 years ago

The compliant I'm submitting is not in regards to me or an account I have with this bank, this complaint is about a family member who got his car reposed and the reason why I'm involving myself is because we received a notice on 12/4/2017 dated 11/27/2017 where it states that he was 30 days past due from 10/26/2017 and the total amount due then was $954.65, I had made the payment myself for 09/26/2017 with my own debit card and I have statements where it shows that money was token out of my account on 09/26/2017. We contact the bank and we spoke to a lady that goes by Jen but her real name is Jennifer and she couldn't tell me when did the account become delinquent, now at this point she did not known that we had a letter from Capital bank that said when the payment was late she states that the car was reposed because breached of contact she states that it wasn't brought to her attention until recently she states that the client dose not resided in the state of Florida where in reality he dose he travel between Texas and Florida , Texas is where he works and in Florida he comes and visits and uses the car when he is in FL. Not to mention all the registration and insurance is under his name using a Florida address- 2206 7th Ave E, Bradenton, FL 34208 and the car was originally brought in Florida and the bank knew from day one that he travels a lot and that someone else was going to be making the payments for him and even when the down payment was made the check the was used was under a different name and if anyone else uses the car there also listed in the insurance, So my point here is that he is NOT in breach of contract OR was ever delinquent. We have contact the branch in fort Myers and the staff we have spoken to is very rude and one of lady's that works there actually hung up on me because I kept asking why they had reposed the car and to tell me what was the reason for representation.


9 years ago

this as been a very safe site to do all your banking

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