Canary Mission

1 year ago

Blacklist website for Pro-Palestinian activists


2 years ago

I visited the Canary Mission website and this is my review of it. I don't support racism or racists of any kind, whether that racism comes from or is against Jewish people or Arab people or any race of people.

Canary Mission appears to be an Israeli-funded hate campaign against supporters of Palestine and critics of Israel. And like many Israeli intelligence operations it uses the device of portraying Israelis as victims of hate, rather than promoters of hate. The website attempts to expose students and professors and organisations in the USA who it alleges are racist against Israelis. Whilst some of those 'exposed' appear to have, indeed, made racist statements (if we are to believe the quotes on Canary Mission), we also need to look at the 'pot calling the kettle black' as Israel operates a systemically racist regime that places Jewish Israelis who conform to Israeli Apartheid above everyone else on earth. Those who dissent or criticise Israel are labelled anti-semitic, racist or self-hating jews.

If there is ever any confusion about who hates who, ask yourself who – for the past 70 years – has been stealing land, evicting people from their homes, executing unarmed civilians by sniper fire, breaking international law year after year, stealing land from Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, stirring up hatred against Syria, Iran, and Iraq; imprisoning children, torturing detainees, detaining prisoners indefinitely without trial, executing wounded and unarmed civilians. Who operates a system of Apartheid and racist supremacism that declares 'we are better than everyone else'? Who has an undeclared stockpile of nuclear weapons? Who has a documented history of terrorist attacks against its allies [see the King David Hotel bombing for starters]? Who runs a global assassination program to kill its critics? Who gets billions of dollars from the USA and arms sales from the UK which it then uses to kill, maim and oppress its neighbours? It isn't the Palestinians. Or the Syrians, or the Iranians, or the Iraqis. It's Israel.

Canary Mission is funded by Israel via convicted US felon Adam Milstein aka Tuvia Milsztein, an Israeli-American real estate investor with Hager Pacific Properties, who was jailed for two counts of tax evasion in 2009 [see Al Jazeera's censored documentary "The Lobby – USA" for evidence"].

Canary Mission's slogan "If You're Racist, The World Should Know" equally applies to the racism of Israel, which passed legislation last month effectively ratifying a racist Apartheid system rendering all non-jews inferior within Israel. Their website effectively victimises people for criticising Israel or supporting the people of Palestine who have been brutalised by Israel for the past 70 years. Revealingly, Canary Mission doesn't post photos of racist Israelis, only non-Israelis. Are we to believe that there are no racist Jews or racist Israelis in the world?

Israel wants to silence all critcism of its criminal behaviour, and Canary Mission is just one of many devices used to promote the idea that to criticise the political and military actions of a rogue State is somehow 'racist'. Whether it is run by Pygmies, Oompa Loompas, white anglo-saxon protestants or the Tooth Fairy, Israel is a criminal State that brings suffering and ruin to its elected victims every single day. This is about Israel's immoral, illegal aggression. It it the Israelis who turn it into an issue of race or religion in order to adopt the false role of pseudo-victim.

Israel is not the victim. It is the Cuckoo in the Nest of the Middle East. Canary Mission is just another of its tawdry ploys to attack people who want to call Israel out for its hatred of anyone who dares draw attention to its diabolical behaviour.


3 years ago

this site is dedicated to outing quranimals and the regressive cunts who defend Islam.

These people deserve no employment and only imprisonment.


4 years ago

Don't necessarily agree with methods but we have to learn to live and let live.


4 years ago

The site does its best to attack the reputations of people who disagree with its political views.

Its title page and video goes into how it doesn't want bad people to get jobs or be successful, and then it goes on to list hundreds of people and dozens of organizations. 聽The site acts like its list is exclusive and well-researched, but then it goes on to equate banal things and ideas with terrible things by putting them together at the same level on the same lists.

The site then goes on with an "Individuals" page, where the only criteria for addition seems to be disagreeing with the page's principles, even if this is done in the most genial and professional of manners.

The page, even according to itself, exists to smear people's names. 聽The page admits that claims such as the ones it's making require substantial evidence. Oftentimes though this evidence simply does not exist, or it does not correspond with the narrative that the page is pushing.

A page like this one should take its claims more seriously if it wants others to respect them. When it comes to things like calling people out, it's the page's responsibility to ensure that _all_ of its claims are true.


5 years ago

Provides a valuable service by exposing lies and outright anti-semitism against Israel.


5 years ago

Free speech is wonderful! Whatever you do in life has a price. Sometimes you have to pay it. Karma is not a nice thing.


5 years ago

Very good site. Against xenophofia.


5 years ago

It is refreshing to see a site which provides a countering view, and approach, to the many sites which support those who are quick to criticise Israel without a sound basis, or are doing so based on a deeply help, but unstated anti-semitic mindset.

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