
4 years ago

Bought a Kampa awning which started leaking just inside the one year warranty period. According to law we are supposed to be offered repair, replacement or refund at their choice. The only offer I could get from these people was to send out some sealant so I could carry out my own repair. They did fill out the documentation to send to Kampa for a return under warranty. Kampa were unhelpful and still to this point (several weeks later) have not called to arrange collection of my faulty awning. This is even after an e-mail to the managing director. My legal contract I am told however is with the supplier and the warranty is unenforceable in law.

They claimed the problem was due to weathering – i.e. if the awning was subject to more rain then the problem would stop!! We caravan often in UK weather!!! Kampa had a difference in view about this when I spoke to different people there.

All in all we are still left with a leaking awning and now need to replace or take these people to court – neither of these is a good choice.

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