
2 years ago

I can't believe this brand suckered me in to spending 350 euros on 6 shirts that don't fit properly, wrinkle every time I even breathe, and are not comfortable on the skin. I put too much trust in the sales associate who simply took my measurements and whisked me out of the store in under 5 minutes. When I returned to show her that the shirts didn't fit, she told me there are no refunds so I had to settle for a few of the fairly ugly styles and colors that remained after the Christmas sales.

I should have just spent the 350 euros on one single high quality shirt rather than these pieces that simply give me buyer's remorse every time I look at them.


2 years ago

Camicissima is an Italian retail chain that makes shirts and other garments. Their products are, in general, of very good quality and I have been a customer of their various stores for several years. However, recently, I bought three shirts VIA THEIR WEBSITE, and that site is so mediocre that I ended up ordering slim-fit or extra slim-fit shirts, without even noticing. As I can only wear normal fit, I had to return the shirts, and that's where the calvary began.
First, I wrote to them everyday for weeks, hoping to receive an answer that never came. It was hallucinating, I felt like I was the only person left on Earth…
Finally, 3 weeks later, I received a return authorization. I tried to obtain that they send me a return label, as the ordering mistakes had been caused by their insufficient description of the products, but of course, that never came.
When I got really tired, I ended up returning the shirts to Italy and paying for the postage myself.
Now, I am hopefully in the final phase: I returned the shirts on May 18, 2018, and I just received 2 days ago an email asking for my IBAN number for the refund.I gave it right away, and since then I have of course not heard anything from Camicissima, and no reimbursement has shown up on my bank account…
How much longer will it take? No one knows… When you think that I ordered the 3 shirts during the second half of MARCH (yes!), it is almost unbelievable.
Conclusion: I do not advise fellow consumers to buy anything from Camicissima via their website, as their customer "service" (if it can be called that) if simply the most horrible you can find. Be prepared to wait for MONTHS if anything goes bad… and I still haven't seen my money back, not to mention the postage I had to pay for, which is unacceptable.

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