Cambridge Water Company purport to operate as a private company – they are joint owned/ managed by South Staffs Water – which means nothing other than your dealing with an even larger bloated bureaucracy that effectively has a monopoly over all water supplies in the area. The MD Mr Willicott (who is on Circa 拢300Kpa) appears to have had little impact in terms of operational efficiencies of reduction of costs. I would be happy to point him in the right direction…
Communications – poor – With some exceptions, their staff are mostly jobsworths, who insist of form filling and needless regulations and who might deem to get back to you if they have the time.
Water supply: So if you have a water meter – (I dont think you even get a choice these days) and have a leak, they charge you for the water AND the sewerage disposal price even though the leak of clean water is into the ground. Wouldn't this would normally be called racketeering….?
Future – I'm not sure what other water companies are like, but thank god I'm moving out of Cambridge waters' patch. They deserve good dose of economic reality and proper competition in their operating area. to reduce costs. You are very lucky to get two stars.