4 years ago

I am yet another person that took its test thinking it might have some merit, and got the same results: a long-winded ad for an exorbitantly priced ($68) "cure" for anxiety. Their test is littered on every page and leads only to how "bad" you are and bunk claims that if you just pay them, they can cure you.


5 years ago

I cant believe this website and others like it still exist

Totally preying on the vulnerable, makes me sick


5 years ago

It's to bad one rate a web page after if they like the message or not. It's not what should define a scam site. Yea, you are asked for email, and you will be charged if you choose to keep, or are helped by the message you download. But are you not allowed to do that when you made a book? You have the possibility to get the money back if you dislike it.

I did not purchase anything, but it's not hard to understand that some of this advice given on the web page are true and correct, and something you just have to try out.

But I just think it's stupid to use WOT to a like/dislike rating tool, when WOT actually are for rating and finding suspicious criminal site.


6 years ago

It's clear that the writers did not do their research on this herb as they claim there are few studies to back up certain claims, etc.; however, the herb in question (rhodiola rosea) according to both books and articles I've read appears to be one of the most highly researched (using double blind methods) herbals out there. It's up to the individual, of course, but much of what is written here runs counter to what I have learned through my vast research. They need to do their own research before attempting to "inform" the publc with what seems far more opinion than fact.


8 years ago

Some useful stuff on the site but i feel uneasy about the seven minute anxiety because it asks for your email so it might spam you.

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