
4 years ago

Cards are very good. Recommended to use


5 years ago

hello all

this is a quality calling card service . and its cheap. i am recommending this to all you can buy a card like from the store and you can load it into you phone . can you can reload the same card next time. very quality calls @ chaep rate I love this . just tested it today …. found from google wanted test . its works form me .. i am satisfied

recommending to others !!!!


6 years ago

This is an amazing piece of calling card which never expire my money in the card. No pin dialing facility really made my life is more easier.


6 years ago

CallingPingo international calling service is a great and quality international calling service with cheap rates . Recommending to everyone who pays lots of money for international calls.

I am using CallingPingo. use it you will never disappoint


6 years ago


6 years ago international long distance calling card is super . No expiration . Call quality is great it's like I am calling to next door. I recommend to others


6 years ago


I would like to give a review of the site called .CallingPingo international calling service sells international calling cards or some other says; international phone cards or long distance cards

CallingPingo is a very good calling card service which I found via my friend. sells international long distance calling card and their rates are very cheap and call quality is absolutely awesome.

These cards can be saved to three phone . and I am using my account with three phones ( my wife's mobile, my mobile and our home phone ). account can be re-loadable. and never expire ( never deduct minutes if you not using card). its works great in CANADA and i saw they going to expand their service USA .

Absolutely 100% quality call, no hidden fees , truly recommend to everyone

Don't listen to me check others review published on site

I love this service . and hope they will keep it as it is….

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