e any warranty service calls. Now I have another serious issues, hurricane Shutter. Just this month (September) we had a hurricane IRMA threaten whole of florida and forecasted to hit Tampa by Saturday night. when I took hurricane shutters out prepare to boarded up the house I found one set of shutters missing (designation set #9) these shutter is to go on to largest window (75" x 95") of Master bedroom, so on Thursday (September 7) email MITCH MAULDIN notifying of the missing set of shutter and asked for help in this matter instead of taking care of the problem she email me back (CC me ) of her telling other person should contact me to resolve the issues (I don't know why) to me your company is playing with peoples live and property, to this day I have not heard from either MAULDIN nor the person whom Iguess to take care or resolve this issue has not contacted me. please look into these issues and let me know ASAP what your company's stand is, so I could act on accordingly. 1. Hurricane Shutter Set #9, 2. Standing water front of the drive way. Chandler Woods Community in Tampa, Florida