Cagayan De Oro Official Website

3 years ago

Hi. I would just like to review the City Local Environment and Natural Resources (CLENRO) Cagayan de Oro City's department which gives permit to mining and construction-related businesses. When Engr. Cuenca stepped over, lots of under-the-table magic are happening. First, he doesn't assign any of his team to post to the checkpoints of locations like Canitoan, Lumbia, etc. After 5:00 p.m., he doesn't assign anybody there to check the truck's permit like D.R., etc. It seems like this OIC/Department Head, Engr. Cuenca is favoring illegal business. He was being assigned by Mayor Oscar Moreno of Cagayan de Oro City. I really think the administration is favoring other businesses. The unfair part of is this is that, what about us businesses that pay the right taxes, get the right permits? And we're being taken over sales because of these corruption manned by Engineer Armen Cuenca.

Second is that he made a new policy wherein if we, permittees, don't follow the load of our permits, he will essentially hold or throw the content of our trucks like sand, quarry soil, etc. and sell it. This is so unfair. It makes it more expensive and really inhuman, while Mr. Rolando "Klarex" Uy's (friend and the same party with Mayor Moreno) trucks go pass by the checkpoints easily.

There are more to this, but please don't do this to us. You replaced a well-working Edwin Dael with this frog-looking idiot who's very tactless and very, very corrupt. Do your job, Mr. Mayor Moreno.

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