3 years ago
This site promises high end designer replica's. I spent 拢122 on a dress and bodysuit. Before i actually received the goods from China ( the scam goods) , i received an email saying they sent the wrong goods. When i received the 2 items ( cheap & nasty polyester items which had Abercrombie & Fitch on label ) when in actual fact i was meant to receive the Herve Leger dress and Alix Bodysuit ) Its a total scam advertising these luxurious designer replica clothes, when in fact they have no intention of sending copies of these clothes, just merely sending cheap alternatives in the same colour, completely different items. When you ask for a refund, they say they can only give you 15% (thats once you wait 1 week for a response and send 7 emails) And infact have no intention of even 15% refund, timewasters ! STAY AWAY. …..SCAM !!!!