7 months ago
BEST honey you will ever taste! I have been buying from them for the past few years and this is the very best honey i have ever tasted. I even did the honey test when my first orders arrived to check that no additional sugars had been added and it worked perfectly, the honey turned back to its honeycomb memory. Unfortunately at the moment, they are out of stock of most items, but with all the bees around due to the lockdown i am hoping that they will have a bumper harvest this year, i cant wait to place my order!
I suppose adding a fab review is not the best idea to make sure that i can get my order, but seriously, their honey is the best and needs to be raved about…….maybe you can all hold off ordering for a while until i get mine!
I suppose adding a fab review is not the best idea to make sure that i can get my order, but seriously, their honey is the best and needs to be raved about…….maybe you can all hold off ordering for a while until i get mine!